"Siete dias celebraras fiesta solemne a JEHOVA tu Dios en el lugar que JEHOVA ESCOJIERE; por que te habra bendecido Jehova tu Dios en todos tus frutos y en toda la obra de tus manos y estaras verdaderamente alegre". Deuteronomio 16;15

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

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1 comentario:

Barbara Jean dijo...

Good morning Rose Marie,

So many thanks for coming by my place and leaving me such a kind note. It encourages me.

My granddaughters would absolutely love you sweet treasures.
Off to see your other blog now.

barbara jean

PS I could not see an English translate on your list. Am I just missing it??
Have a wonderful day, or evening, whichever it is there.=)