"Siete dias celebraras fiesta solemne a JEHOVA tu Dios en el lugar que JEHOVA ESCOJIERE; por que te habra bendecido Jehova tu Dios en todos tus frutos y en toda la obra de tus manos y estaras verdaderamente alegre". Deuteronomio 16;15

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

Alquimia !

hello, I have been locking in white clay, I am preparing a tea set, white clay with handmade roses. This little angel is in clay, I love Los Angeles, I'm doing in different ways then they teach. I have worked with different things I found in flea markets or have given me, like that old book of 1912 and these bottles and I have framed photo on canvas and painted with coffee cheseclothed or purse, is nonsense to say much when you expose or sell. I believe that these works are products of alchemy that some women have created hundreds of treasures from scratch.

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