"Siete dias celebraras fiesta solemne a JEHOVA tu Dios en el lugar que JEHOVA ESCOJIERE; por que te habra bendecido Jehova tu Dios en todos tus frutos y en toda la obra de tus manos y estaras verdaderamente alegre". Deuteronomio 16;15

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

En crema

Este pequeño ornamento desidi hacerlo en crema , y se ve bien delicado y diferente. This little ornament i entitled "happy", because my intention is always to project what i feel and think through my work and although not always this hapy, at least be fighting for as long as possible. Is that most peaple working or exploring this art or any art, whenever it feels like these litle things fill us in hand and eases us fight!
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